ISSN 1312-2622

YEAR IX No. 2 / 2011

Business Management of e-Infrastructure
A Parallel Architecture for Radix-2 Fast Hartley Transform/Real-valued Fast Fourier Transform
Quality Assessment of Graph Drawing Sequences Representing Software Systems Evolution
Automatic Rotation of the Copper-Brass Seal's Images During Their Vertification
Comparison of Two Approaches to Finding the Median in Image Filtering


Business Management of e-Infrastructure
V. Kisimov, K. Boyanov
Key Words:
Elektronic infrastructures; infrastructure services; business management of infrastructure.
The paper presents a method for Business management of the services in the e-Infrastructures. The method offers 4 new types of services and a Conceptual ICT architecture, enabling transformation of infrastructure functions into business managed services. A set of services are proposed in accordance with the user's business needs, applying the formula "BusinessCustomise-Use-PayWhatUsed".

A Parallel Architecture for Radix-2 Fast Hartley Transform/Real-valued Fast Fourier Transform
Ph. Philipov, N. Tasheva
Key Words:
Parallel FHT; parallel FFT; high-performance computer achitectures.
Fast Hartley transform (FHT)/Real-valued Fast Fourier transform (RFFT) algorithms are important Fourier-related transforms, because they lower twice the operational and memory requirements when input data is real-valued. However, these types of algorithms have irregular computational structure, which makes their parallel implementation a difficult task. The aim of this paper is to show that these algorithms have the same potential for parallel implementation as the complex fast Fourier transform (FFT), as well as they share common natural architectures with FFT, based on the perfect shuffle permutation method. Presented is a processor array architecture based on the "indirect hypercube" concept which is suitable for realization of fast FHT/RFFT processors for real time applications.

Quality Assessment of Graph Drawing Sequences Representing Software Systems Evolution
D. Ivanov, H. Haralambiev, M. Lazarova, S. Boychev
Key Words:
Graph drawing; software evolution visualization; graph layout; measures.
As a widespread approach for representing data, graph drawings are used for displaying both software systems and their evolution. Every version in the process of software evolution is represented by a different graph representation. Consequently, a proper layout algorithm is neede in order to retain the connection between different drawings and ease their parallel observation. The selected algorithm should be able to provide drawing of graph sequences which is stable and mental map preserving. This paper introduces visual and numerical approaches for assessment, observation and analysis of software systems evolution. Certain set of measures is selected and used for this task. For visual and numerical assessment of software system graph layouts a software tool is developed and used for experimental observation and evaluation of the measures by their application to the graph drawings of certain software projects revisions.

Automatic Rotation of the Copper-Brass Seal's Images During Their Vertification
T. Dimitrova, C. Bergonzi, F. Littmann, P. Schwalbach
Key Words:
Copper-Brass Seals; Seal Vertification; Image rotation; Image comparison.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) use thousands of Copper-Brass Seals every year to keep continuity of knowledge of nuclear material. The vertification, done at headquarters is a time consuming procedure, whose operations are performed almost manually, i.e. the seals under vertification are manually rotated until they can be compared to the image stored in the Database (DB) that has been taken before sending the seal on the field. We are proposing an algorithm for automatic rotation of the image to match with the reference image from the DB. The main considered parameters are reliability of the algorithm and speed. A ste of couple seal images was captured by an indusrial vision system and pre-processed. A programming code for image rotation in each degree was developed, which estimates the similarity between the original and rotated image by the following parameters: Euclidean Distance (ED) and Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD) and returns the angle, for which one the min value of ED and SAD were found. The program was tested for 304 digital images of real seals, provided from IAEA and EURATOM. The maximum error during the experimental determination of angle of seal rotation was 0.3%. A proposal for a faster algorithm for rotation and determination of the rotation angle of the image related to the reference image is made. The proposed algorithm was tested for the same set of images.

Comparison of Two Approaches to Finding the Median in Image Filtering
A. Bosakova-Ardenska
Key Words:
Median filtering; partial histograms; bucket sort.
This paper discusses two approaches for finding the median when we filter gray-scale images. A partial histogram is used for finding a new value (median) of every pixel (i.e. algorithm proposed by Thomas Huang, George Yang and Gregory Tang). An analytic research is made showing that using the previous median as a "pivot" is a faster approach in comparison with integrate histogram approach when the radius of mask is less than 42. The experiments show that if the type of noise is Gaussian, the bound value of the radius is really 42. But if the type of the noise in the image is different from Gaussian, then the bound could be different.

The John Atanasoff Society of Automatics and Informatics

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